Humboldt Water Systems is now leasing bottleless water coolers in the San Francisco Bay Area. For additional information contact us at 888-221-0610 or fill out the form below.  One of our specialist will review your email and follow up shortly.

             G5                            PWC-1000                      PWC-1000

Economic Hot/Cold temperature cooler with filtration makes great
tasting water from your tap.  Great for offices and factories.

Why choose a bottleless instead of a bottled water cooler?
The main reason why most people select a bottleless water cooler is to save money and to avoid lifting heavy bottles. 
Other less obvious advantages include more storage space available, eliminating delivery schedules and transportation cost. 

Seven reasons to choose bottleless  over bottled water coolers.
1.  Save 20-80% over bottled water.
2.  Unlimited supply of water.
3.  No waiting for delivery.
4.  Fresh water taste, no plastic taste.
5.  Save storage space, no clutter.
6.  No back strain of lifting heavy bottles.
7.  No burning of fossil fuels in delivery.

Services Included
•  Free Installation
•  Free Filter Replacement 
•  Free Maintenance 

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